Sandkuhl manufactures a full line of structural clay tiles for load bearing and non load bearing applications.
Structural clay tile wall section.
Unlike glazed brick glazed structural clay tile allows single.
Version 2 released in june 2019 enhances and increases the number of generic concrete and clay anchored adhered and structural masonry units along with place holders for anchored and adhered natural and manufactured stone and tile units and associated bim files in dwg dgn dxf and rfa formats.
Structural terra cotta is made from natural clay or clay produced from pulverized shale that is extruded through a die like play doh spaghetti.
Also called building tile structural terra cotta hollow tile and clay block the material is an extruded clay shape with substantial depth that allows it to be laid in the same manner.
Removal of existing structural glazed tile.
Also known as hollow structural tile hollow tile block hollow building tile structural clay tile and structural clay load bearing wall tile.
15 i bms25 structuralproperties of conventional wood frame constructions forwalls parti.
Other clay colors such as creams or buff can be produced upon request.
Chips larger than a 3 8 10mm square will require replacement of the units.
Do not leave pieces of tile in the wall smaller than 4 101mm in length.
Structural glazed tile glazed block shall be ceramic glazed fire clay units as manufactured by elgin butler company and shall conform to astm c 126 grade s type i ii selected from the manufacturer s standard colors.
Advertisements and architecture guides from the teens through the thirties also refer to it as hollow structural tile hollow tile block hollow building tile structural clay tile and structural clay load bearing wall tile.
Structural clay tile is distin guished from clay wall tile and flat clay floor tile by its ability to sup port its own weight and carry su perimposed loads.
Many people are more familiar with terra cotta for its decorative use in mid rise city buildings.
Bms24structuralpropertiesof areinforced brickwallconstructionand brick tile cavity wallconstructionsponsored by thestructuralclayproducts institute.
Cut out existing material where indicated on the drawings.
Structural clay tile describes a category of burned clay building materials used to construct roofing walls and flooring for structural and non structural purposes especially in fireproofing applications.
Use care in cutting out units at the mortar joints as to not chip the existing tile.
It may be used with the cored cells running hori zontally or vertically and for load bearing and nonload bearing ap plications.
Sized for 3 8 mortar joints except 6t sized for 5 16 mortar joints.